Comfortland Medical 2020 Catalog     10 Mb     
         Comfortland Medical 2020 DME Protocols Guide     1.2 Mb     
    Lumber and Thoracic Bracing
         Delta 27 LSO L0627 and L0642 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         Delta 31 LSO L0631 and L0648 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         DL-37 DELTA 37 L0637 OR L0650     115 Kb     
         Delta 39 L0639 or L0651 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         Delta 59 L0637 or L0650 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         Delta 7X L0627 or L0642 PDAC Letter     40.8 Kb     
         DL-8X L0631 or L0648 PDAC Letter     35.2 Kb     
         DL-9X L0637 or L0650 PDAC Letter     35.3 Kb     
         Delta 26 DL-26 L0626 and L0641 PDAC Letter     70.2 Kb     
         Delta 33 DL-33 L0633 and L0649 PDAC Letter     41 Kb     
         DL-12X L0456 L0457 PDAC     114 Kb     
         DL-18X TLSO L0450 PDAC Letter     115 Kb     
         DL-455X TLSO L0455 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         DL-627 L0627 or L0642 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         DL 637 L0637 or L0650 PDAC Letter     34.7 Kb     
         DS-639 Discovery 639 L0637     1.16 Mb     
         CK-888 Avalon LSO L0631     42.4 Kb     
         CK-999 Avalon Premium LSO L0650 PDAC Letter     1.17 Mb     
    Spnial Miscellaneous
         SI-100 BELT L0621     976 Kb     
         CK-009 L0984 Bodyshirt PDAC     1 Mb     
         SI-23 Sacro Stabilizer L0623 PDAC Letter     1.09 Mb     
    Cervical Bracing and Traction
         CV-202 COMFORTLAND FOAM COLLAR L0120     976 Kb     
         CV-600 L0172 Wellcare Collar PDAC Letter     1 Mb     
         CV-200 Cervical Collar Universal L0174     1.09 Mb     
         CV-500 Elite Cervical Orthosis L0810     1 Mb     
         CV-900 E0849 PDAC     1.09 Mb     
         CV-1000 E0855 PDAC     1.09 Mb     
    Hip Bracing
         CK-686 PDAC     976 Kb     
         CK-687 PDAC     1 Mb     
         CK-690 L1690 dual hip PDAC letter     1.09 Mb     
    Knee Bracing
         OA-200 Comfortland OA Knee Brace L1843     976 Kb     
         CK-250 Comfortland Deluxe OA Knee Brace K0902     1 Mb     
         ER-300 Endeavor OA LP PDAC Letter     1.09 Mb     
         CK-207 Comfortland ACL Hinged Knee Brace L1845     128 Kb     
         ER-208 ENDEAVOR DELUXE ACL KNEE BRACE K0902     115 Kb     
         CK-111 Comfortland Hinged Knee Brace L1832.pdf     459 Kb     
         CK-110 Universal Comfortland Hinged Knee Brace L1832     1.09 Mb     
         CK-101 L1832 Hidden Hinge Knee PDAC Letter     128 Kb     
         CK-205 Post-Op Transition Knee Brace L1832     115 Kb     
         CK-108 Comfortland Hinged Wraparound knee Support L1820     459 Kb     
         CK120_Universal_Hinged_Wraparound_Knee_Brace_L1820 PDAC Letter     1.09 Mb     
         CK-105 Comfortland Neoprene Hinged Knee Support L1810     128 Kb     
         CK-109 PDAC     115 Kb     
         CK-007 Comfortland Suspension Sleeve L2397 PDAC Letter     459 Kb     
         CK-151_153_155_157 Universal Tri-Panel Knee Immobilizer L1830     115 Kb     
         CK-008 Condylar Pad L2810 PDAC Letter     459 Kb     
    Walkers and Night Splints
         CK-323 Premium Air Walker L4360     1 Mb     
         61-324 Premium Low Top Air Walker L4360     912 Kb     
         CK-321 Premium CAM Walker L4386     1.31 Mb     
         61-322 Premium Low Top Cam Walker L4386.pdf     915 Kb     
         CK-304 L4396 and L4397 PDAC Letter     1 Mb     
         63-103 Posterior Night Splint with Wedge L4396     344 Kb     
         63-105 Padded Night Splint L4398     113 Kb     
    Ankle Bracing
         CL-301 ACCORD ANKLE BRACE L1906 OR L1971     117 Kb     
         Saga L1971 65-971 PDAC Letter     976 Kb     
         65-100 L1906 2018 Legend PDAC Letter     1.23 Mb     
         CK-289 Comfortmax AFO- L1951 PDAC Letter     336 Kb     
         CK-335 FOOT DROP SPLINT_L1930     896 Kb     
         CK-302 Tour Ankle Brace L1902 PDAC Letter     464 Kb     
         CK-303 Tour Quick-Lace Ankle Brace L1902     81 Kb     
         65-102 L1902 Motion Ankle Brace PDAC Letter     336 Kb     
         CK-318 L1902 Airarch PDAC Letter     896 Kb     
         CK-307 Functional Air Ankle Brace L4350     464 Kb     
         65-108 Air_Gel Stirrup Ankle Brace L4350     81 Kb     
         CK-319 Ankle Gauntlet L1902 PDAC Letter     81 Kb     
    Comfortstep Orthotics
         CS800 Comfortstep Full Length Insoles L3040     1.12 Mb     
         CS810 Comforstep 3_4 length insoles L3040     1.12 Mb     
         DR628 Comfortland Diabetic Insert A5512     1.17 Mb     
         63-605 Comfortland Heel Wedge L3350     1.17 Mb     
         CK-601 SILICONE GEL HEEL CUP_L3170     957 Kb     
    Compression Stockings
         CS-9002 Comfortmax Medical Stocking     114 Kb     
    Hand and Wrist Bracing
         31-200 Universal Wrist& Thumb Splint L3807 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         31-300 PDAC universal wrist and thumb L3809 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         CK-703 PREMIUM WRIST&THUMB SPLINT_L3807 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         31-109 Endeavor Quick Lace Wrist PDAC LETTER     114 Kb     
         CK-702 WRIST EXTENSION SPLINT_L3908     114 Kb     
         31-108 PDAC     114 Kb     
         31-501 PDAC     114 Kb     
         31-500 L3915 or L3916 Endeavor Deluxe Hand Wrist PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         31-900 Delue Thumb Spica L3923 or L3924 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
    Elbow and Shoulder Bracing
         CK-800 COMFORTMAX L3960     114 Kb     
         CK-700 Dual PDAC L3760 and L3761 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         21-505 Sling and Swathe L3670 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         21-203 PDAC     114 Kb     
         21-101 Shoulder Immobilizer With Strap L3660 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         CK-760 Elbow Splint L3762 PDAC Letter     114 Kb     
         DS-15 Clavicle Strap L3650 PDAC Letter     114 Kb